Wouter Moyaert

The 3 ways to manage your partners in HubSpot and attribute revenue

5 min. read

We’ve seen that there are 3 potential ways to manage your partners within HubSpot: custom properties, company association & custom object association. Before implementing a partner portal like Introw we advise to map your partners in your HubSpot. 

In this blogpost we’re going to focus on revenue attribution so we’re looking at the object “Deal” in HubSpot. If you also want to attribute contacts, leads, companies,… to partners, you can use the same approach.

Custom properties

How does it work?

  1. Create a custom deal property
    • Step 1: Go to settings —> data management —> properties
    • Step 2: Create property:
      • Object type: Deal
      • Group: Deal information
      • Label: This is up to you to decide, we've gone for "Partner". Click "Next"
      • Field type: If you’re sometimes working with multiple partners on a deal, we advise going for “Multiple checkboxes.” If there is always a maximum of one partner per deal, go for “Dropdown select.”
  2. Add your custom property to your view or your teams view (this will allow you to easily select the right partners from the left side panel)
  3. Attribute the right partner(s) to the right deals

What are the pros?

✅ Easy and fast set-up

✅ Possible with all HubSpot plans

✅ Easy to create revenue reports

What are the cons?

❌ Every sales person should have this custom property in their view

❌ Not possible to navigate directly to the partner company

Company association (with association label)

How does it work?

  1. Create a custom association label between deal and company
    • Step 1: Go to settings —> data management —> objects —> deals —> associations
    • Step 2: Create association label:
      • Objects you’re associating: Deals-to-companies
      • How many labels do you need? A single label
      • Create one called: partner sourced (for deals that partners have sourced)
      • 💡 Optional: You can create another label called: partner influenced (for deals that partners have influenced)
  2. Associate the partner company to a deal and select the label “partner sourced” (or partner influenced)
  3. You can do this by associating an (additional) company to the deal; add company

What are the pros?

✅ Easy and fast set-up

✅ Scalable

What are the cons?

❌ Not possible with all HubSpot plans

❌ Not easy to report on in HubSpot

Custom object association

How does it work?

  1. Create a custom object
    • Step 1: Go to settings —> data management —> objects —> custom objects
    • Step 2: Create custom object:
      • Object name - singular: “Partner”
      • Object name - plural: “Partner”
      • Primary display property: “Partner Name”
      • Property type: Single-line text
  2. Associate the right company object to the partner object in order to have all the right data connected
  3. Associate the partner object to a deal

💡 Optional: Create association labels on this custom object to differentiate between for example partner influenced and partner sourced

What are the pros?

✅ Good for organisations with larger amounts of partners

✅ Scalable

What are the cons?

❌ Not possible with all HubSpot plans

❌ Not so easy


To wrap up, there are 3 ways to manage your partners in HubSpot: via custom properties, via company association and via a custom object. 

Introw supports all methods :).

What is Introw?

Working with resellers, referral partners, distributors,...? Keep on reading! Introw is a partner relationship management (PRM) platform allowing you to collaborate with your B2B partners in shared spaces integrated with HubSpot. 

One space to be aligned on pipeline, enable partners with content and track engagement.

✅ Partners don't need to login to a portal

✅ Simplifying B2B partnership collaborations

Partnership data lives in the CRM, so we’re leveraging that to the fullest with our native and 1-click HubSpot and Salesforce integration.

With that, we’re not only elevating your B2B partnership experience, we’re elevating the experience of your entire partnership team.

Request a demo now.

Install the HubSpot connection here.

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